The manuscripts for the 31st International Conference on Structural Failures should be submitted through the registration system no later then 14.01.2024.

Manuscripts accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published as chapters in a scientific monograph. Moreover, extended abstracts in English will be published as conference materials. Each author should send the full text of the article in English (as a chapter in the monograph) and an extended abstract in English (for conference materials). Furthermore, papers selected by the Scientific Committee will be published in journals.

The manuscripts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Conference based on the full text prepared in English. From among the qualified manuscripts the Scientific Committee will select the ones to be presented in the form of a poster.

Manuscripts and abstracts should be prepared according to the *.docx templates provided. It is necessary to prepare and submit the paper and abstract in *.docx and *.pdf formats.

Downloadable templates:
- Manuscript templates for authors (*.docx)
- Extended abstract templates (*.docx)
- License Agreement (copyright) (*.pdf)

Rules for naming files:
- Name1_Name2_fulltext.docx/.pdf
- Name1_Name2_abstract.docx/.pdf
- Name1_Name2_license_agr.docx/.pdf

Manuscripts should be submitted through the registration system.
